The Power of Blood
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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Con08-twilight-01
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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Vampire2
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» Love is Destruction {Af.Normal}
If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart EmptyMiér Jul 04, 2012 6:38 pm por Invitado

» WOTAM♠♣Foro recién abierto♠♣afiliación Élite♠♣personajes pre-establecidos libres♠♣
If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart EmptySáb Mar 31, 2012 11:07 am por Sarah Charlotte Hart

» Un dia muy Lleno..{Sarah}
If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart EmptySáb Mar 24, 2012 7:58 pm por Caroline Forbes

If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart EmptyJue Mar 22, 2012 5:55 pm por Sarah Charlotte Hart

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart EmptyMiér Mar 21, 2012 7:50 am por Caroline Forbes

» If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart
If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart EmptyMar Mar 13, 2012 6:05 pm por Sarah Charlotte Hart

» Damon's Life . Do you wanna enter to my life? 8)
If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart EmptyMar Mar 13, 2012 4:31 pm por Damon C. Salvatore

» Foro RPG vampire diaries/Crepúsculo/Crónicas vampiricas [afiliación élite aceptada]
If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart EmptySáb Mar 10, 2012 8:42 pm por Invitado

» What a girl wants {0/1}
If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart EmptySáb Mar 10, 2012 5:57 pm por Sarah Charlotte Hart

If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Bcv
If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Crepsculo-amanecer If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Invierno-13004

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Foro rol Instituto Mistery . BS. If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart 35x3550x50 RUN AWAY RPG If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart P50 PhotobucketIf it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart 2wn01s7If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart 35X35If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Bton18If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Botam40x40

If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Sarah Charlotte Hart Jue Sep 01, 2011 7:51 pm

If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart 68v9tf

Sarah Charlotte Hart

16 años~Bruja~Heterosexual~Sarah, Sar o Charl

Es divertida, le encanta hacer amigos pero suele ser muy tímida aveces, es inteligente, posee algo de baja autoestima aunque suele demostrar que es segura de si misma. Cuando tiene un amigo de verdad hace cualquier cosa por defender ese sentimiento, aveces suele ser muy bipolar; cambie de humor con facilidad. Es muy sensible pero detesta llorar y lo que mas odia es que le mientan

If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Tumblr_lonhp4GOyN1ql6m6n
S. Erzebeth Hart
Hijos: No tiene aun
Hermanos: No tiene
Hermanas: No tiene
Medio Hermanos: No tiene
Medio Hermanas: No tiene

If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Tumblr_ljhhi4Vzq11qa4jiro1_500
Mejores amigos:
Mejores Amigas:
Alice Cullen
Gabrielle Du Coudray
Caroline Forbes

Buenos amigos:
Buenas amigas:
Ness Cullen
Damon Salvatore
Amigos Secretos:
Amigos de la infancia:
Amigos de Fiestas:
Ness Cullen
Gabrielle Du Coudray
Caroline Forbes

Curas de Resaca:
Compas de Travesuras:
Gabrielle Du Coudray
Caroline Forbes

Caroline Forbes
Alice Cullen
Damon Salvatore
Alice Cullen
Damon Salvatore
Alice Cullen
Alice Cullen
Te Molesto/Me Molestas:
Mala Influencia:
Mal Influenciados:
Te Admiro:
Me Admiras:
Trato Cordial:

If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Tumblr_lndam4FZMW1qc6xxfo1_500
Trato Hostil:
Gente molesta:

If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Tumblr_lcdc9cELKU1qedpejo1_500
Me Gustas:
Rollo de una noche:
Amigos con Derecho:
Ex- novios:
Amor Platónico/Imposible:

Sitios Especiales
If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Anigif
Amigas de Compras:
Alice Cullen

Última edición por Sarah Charlotte Hart el Lun Mar 12, 2012 6:28 pm, editado 11 veces
Sarah Charlotte Hart
Sarah Charlotte Hart

Femenino Mensajes : 111
Humor : If this world makes you crazy You've taken all you can bear
Localización : In my fairytale with my fappy endings <3
Empleo /Ocio : Estudiante y Porrista
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Alice Cullen Jue Sep 01, 2011 9:54 pm

Donde Gustes Sarah(:
Alice Cullen
Alice Cullen

Mensajes : 26
Fecha de inscripción : 26/08/2011

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Sarah Charlotte Hart Vie Sep 02, 2011 3:26 pm

Alice te pongo en consentidores mutuos, mejores amigas y una seccion especial "amigas de compras Cool " ¿Qué dices?

Rubio tengo muchos en mente; atracción, me gustas, coqueteos, amor, consetidos mutos y protección mutua ¿Te gustan? o ¿Quieres otros?
Sarah Charlotte Hart
Sarah Charlotte Hart

Femenino Mensajes : 111
Humor : If this world makes you crazy You've taken all you can bear
Localización : In my fairytale with my fappy endings <3
Empleo /Ocio : Estudiante y Porrista
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Alice Cullen Vie Sep 02, 2011 3:40 pm

Claro, luego te agrego en mis relaciones(:
Alice Cullen
Alice Cullen

Mensajes : 26
Fecha de inscripción : 26/08/2011

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Sarah Charlotte Hart Vie Sep 02, 2011 3:41 pm

ok yo luego paso a tus relaciones para dejarte hay mis lugares^^
Sarah Charlotte Hart
Sarah Charlotte Hart

Femenino Mensajes : 111
Humor : If this world makes you crazy You've taken all you can bear
Localización : In my fairytale with my fappy endings <3
Empleo /Ocio : Estudiante y Porrista
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Invitado Vie Sep 02, 2011 4:00 pm

Perfectos ademas te agrego en amigos rubia hermosa Cool

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Sarah Charlotte Hart Vie Sep 02, 2011 4:02 pm

Ya actualizo y si pase por tus relaciones a joder Cool
Sarah Charlotte Hart
Sarah Charlotte Hart

Femenino Mensajes : 111
Humor : If this world makes you crazy You've taken all you can bear
Localización : In my fairytale with my fappy endings <3
Empleo /Ocio : Estudiante y Porrista
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Sarah Charlotte Hart Vie Sep 02, 2011 4:06 pm

Yo iwual^^
Sarah Charlotte Hart
Sarah Charlotte Hart

Femenino Mensajes : 111
Humor : If this world makes you crazy You've taken all you can bear
Localización : In my fairytale with my fappy endings <3
Empleo /Ocio : Estudiante y Porrista
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Caroline Forbes Jue Mar 08, 2012 1:00 pm

Lugares Sarah?? Smile
Caroline Forbes
Caroline Forbes

Femenino Mensajes : 23
Humor : Depende del dia..y la persona
Localización : En la tierra estoi...ahora¿donde?
Empleo /Ocio : Estudiante
Fecha de inscripción : 16/02/2012

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Sarah Charlotte Hart Jue Mar 08, 2012 8:20 pm

¿Cuales quuieres?
Sarah Charlotte Hart
Sarah Charlotte Hart

Femenino Mensajes : 111
Humor : If this world makes you crazy You've taken all you can bear
Localización : In my fairytale with my fappy endings <3
Empleo /Ocio : Estudiante y Porrista
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Caroline Forbes Dom Mar 11, 2012 8:57 am

Elije te dejo mi descrip para ayudarte..

Caroline Forbes
Caroline Forbes

Femenino Mensajes : 23
Humor : Depende del dia..y la persona
Localización : En la tierra estoi...ahora¿donde?
Empleo /Ocio : Estudiante
Fecha de inscripción : 16/02/2012

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Sarah Charlotte Hart Lun Mar 12, 2012 6:26 pm

Bueno seremos amigas de fiestas, compas de traversuras, mejores amigas y aliadas
Te gustan?
Sarah Charlotte Hart
Sarah Charlotte Hart

Femenino Mensajes : 111
Humor : If this world makes you crazy You've taken all you can bear
Localización : In my fairytale with my fappy endings <3
Empleo /Ocio : Estudiante y Porrista
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Caroline Forbes Mar Mar 13, 2012 6:58 am

Si los tomo y actualizo la mia Gracias Sarah Smile
Caroline Forbes
Caroline Forbes

Femenino Mensajes : 23
Humor : Depende del dia..y la persona
Localización : En la tierra estoi...ahora¿donde?
Empleo /Ocio : Estudiante
Fecha de inscripción : 16/02/2012

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

Mensaje por Sarah Charlotte Hart Mar Mar 13, 2012 6:05 pm

de nada caro^^
Sarah Charlotte Hart
Sarah Charlotte Hart

Femenino Mensajes : 111
Humor : If this world makes you crazy You've taken all you can bear
Localización : In my fairytale with my fappy endings <3
Empleo /Ocio : Estudiante y Porrista
Fecha de inscripción : 17/08/2011

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If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart Empty Re: If it's not real you can't hold it in your hand you can't feel it with your heart and i won't belive...Welcome to my life By; Sarah Hart

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